Wednesday, February 13, 2019

If I could not fail....

Yesterday, I asked what would you do if you could not fail. Answers came pouring in that just warmed my heart and lit a fire in my life again. People are most afraid of failure and what others will think of them if they are not successful.

Honestly, failure is a relative term. To some, money is a hurdle for their dreams. Others believe that they would be deemed a failure if they are not able to retire at a certain age. To me, failure is if I am not enjoying what I am doing. My motto has always been "work to live, not live to work". I love my career and my kids, but I know that I am replaceable.

I dream of a life in which I am able to enjoy my life with my family and have financial freedom. My husband and I work hard to give our child and fur baby the life they deserve, so why not we live our dream as well. We want to make sure that we are experiencing life to the fullest extent.

Blessed is something that I do not use lightly to describe a situation. However, when I am able to make a product for someone and their eyes just light up with satisfaction and joy, I feel so blessed. God has put this person in my life to allow me to bless them in such a way.

Here are some great motivational images that I have saved over on my Pinterest board.

Now you are asking: what would you do if you couldn't fail. Well, that is simple. I would share my life and experiences with the internet and be able to live off that income and retire early from teaching. I love my children, but I want to share my passion with others that need it too. Whether it be dyslexia instruction, baby food recipes, or the best way to clean your dishwasher. I am here for you. 

Remember that failure is what you define it as, so why not rip it out of your dictionary?

Stay special, not safe, 
Kaylee Ann

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