Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Testing in Resource

Hey y’all,
Welcome back to All Kinds of Special. Today I am sharing with you one of my vital parts of my classroom. This part is my testing station. I have been teaching in a resource setting for 4 years now and this is one thing that I knew I had to conquer to be successful in my job.
This system was created out of desperation to get the stacks of papers off my desk in an organized manner. I did not know when each test was, who had a test and who didn’t, and keys were scattered around my room. Here is the game plan I finally have settled on. Remember, this system has to be taught to your teachers, students, paraprofessionals. It also has to be tweaked to fit your needs.
I have a rainbow cart (#loveallthecolors) that sits outside my door everyday. This is where all of my tests go. Yes, I know it may seem huge for some people and way too small for others. Keep in mind, that this works for my three grade levels I service. I have a drawer for each grade level’s reading, math, and science/social studies tests. I combined the last two categories because they are typically smaller tests and are not as frequent with my school system. This has taken time, patience, and constant reminders to teachers, however teachers write the student’s names and test date and drop them in the drawer. I review the drawers daily to see what tests we have coming up so that I am able to plan my lessons accordingly. My paraprofessional is amazing at keeping me on track and prioritizing our test dates.
On top of the cart, you will see a clear iris tub (that is broken by little fingers, but it is functional). This tub has hanging folders that are divided into each teacher team. This is where the papers go that have been completed and graded. This is not the primary way I communicate with teachers, but it has been great for containing papers between our two rooms.

Here are links to all of my products: 
Rainbow Cart  -
Clear Tub –
Hanging Folders –
Labels -

I hope that this has brought you some inspiration for you classroom, home, or life in general. Please let me know what is your main way to stay on track?
Remember to keep it special, 
Kaylee Ann 

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